Thursday, June 28, 2018


A Vision To Clear Solutions.

1.      SCOPE
2.      PURPOSE
7.      Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) 7.1  HSSE Management Strategy
              7.1.1 HSSE management Policy
              7.1.2 HSSE management Implementation
              7.1.3 Safety Work Practice
        7.2 Safety Control
             7.2.1 Protective & Safety Equipment
             7.2.2 Information to Personnel
             7.2.3 Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
1.      Landscaping layout
2.      Transportation Route

The purpose of this Work Method Statement is to outline the general requirements and precautionary description for the Transport and Disposal of Treated Sewage Effluent and show the production of the Waste Water Treatment Plant Installed inside ………COMPANY NAME AND…………………. PLACE INSTALLED AND …………………. RELATED DETIALS
2. Scope
This Work Method Statement identifies the general steps, arrangements and precautions to be followed for the Transportation of Treated Sewage Effluent extracted from the Waste Water Treatment Plant installed inside ……PLACE NAME …… located ………….
3. organization and responsibilities
3.1 Construction Manager
He has overall responsibility for the project management in accordance with the contract requirements.
He shall coordinate and control the execution of the Project, and ensure completion within scheduled time and the observance of HSSE and quality procedures and practices in accordance with the relevant regulation of LOCAL PLACE.
3.2 Area Supervisor
He has direct responsibility for the implementation of each construction activity in this procedure. he shall organize the work in a safe and suitable manner, control equipment with safety, and ensure the method statement to be followed.
3.3 HSSE Officer
He has overall responsibility for the implementation of HSSE plan according to the project HSSE Plan in this specification.
He shall review the analysis of laboratory and ensures its compatibility with the environmental parameters and identify whether the water is suitable for discharging or not.
He shall investigate and report all major accident, recommend protection measures, and ensure the availability of safety equipment and first aid kits.
3.4 QA/QC Engineer
He has overall responsibility for the control and inspection of quality according to the QA/QC plan in this specification.
He shall review the Contract specifications and drawings, identify project criteria and prepare required checklist for QA/QC inspection.
3.5 TPI (Laboratory)
The Third Party Inspection Company, person or persons to which the contractor has subcontracted the execution of inspection and/or laboratory testing and related activities shall ensure that the thorough inspection is conducted on the quality of Treated Sewage Effluent.
3.6 Civil Engineer
He has overall responsibility for the implementation of Civil Works in this specification. He shall arrange the manpower, equipment and materials required for the implementation of the works, coordinate with HSSE officer and QA/QC Engineer involved in the tasks in accord to the method statement and reporting.
3.7 Transportation Supervisor 
He has overall responsibility for the Transporting of Treated Water in this specification. He shall arrange the manpower, equipment for the transportation and Disposal of TSE, coordinate with HSSE officer and Civil Engineer involved in the tasks in accordance to the method statement.
3.8 Landscaping Supervisor
He has overall responsibility for the Landscaping in this specification. He shall arrange the manpower, equipment and materials for the Landscaping works and distribution of TSE on Landscaping areas, coordinate with HSSE officer and Transportation supervisor involved in the tasks in accordance to the method statement.
 4.Waste Water Treatment Plant Operation.

4.1 The manpower mobilization for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Operation

WWTP Supervisor

Technician (Day shift)

Technician (Night Shift)


4.2 Design Criteria
The …….LOCATION…… WWT Plant is designed according to the Capacity of nearly 10,000 men at peak.
Manpower Mobilization plan for camp occupancy shall be as follows:


4.3  TSE Production
The following basis for TSE production has been used:
·         TSE Production not considering evaporative and others losses: 180 liters / person / day
·         Maximum Capacity of WWT Plant is 2,800 m3/day
4.4 Management Plan for TSE disposal
The TSE has acceptable limits as per Ministry standard for Landscaping & dust control within the accommodation area and Civil works for …location…. Work Site. There are limited opportunities for the disposal of TSE outside the accommodation area – disposal sites are limited, hauling cause traffic, and there is no available permit to discharge into open sea.
Prior to disposal or utilization of TSE, Regular laboratory testing for TSE specimen shall be conducted to verify the result whether to meet the Ministry standard for the Treated Effluents for Sanitary Waste Water. Test results for TSE quality shall be submitted to Ministry of Environment (Local authority) every quarterly and Monthly submission of Test Results to Municipality.
 Below shows the Ministry standard for the Treated Effluents for Sanitary Wastewater
4.5 Utilization of TSE
The following TSE disposal plan was developed as explained below.
4.5.1 Utilization of TSE for Civil works & Dust Control (Subject to Company Approval)
·         Utilization of TSE for Civil works within the any project work site.
·         Utilization of TSE for Dust control within the accommodation.
Proper Truck with indication of “NOT FOR DRINKING WATER” shall be used for hauling TSE. Pumping station shall be provided beside TSE tank to fill the truck and Transport to any project\ Area to utilize for Civil Works. Utilization TSE for Civil Works shall be carried out by means of Flexible Hose. Utilization of TSE for Dust Control within accommodation shall be carried out 2-3 times per day depending on the weather conditions. Truck with spray nozzle shall be utilized for spraying TSE with a rate of 6mm/trip.
5.Traffic Management
5.1 Expected Numbers of Loads/day
    Expected numbers of Trips for Transporting TSE from accommodation Plant Work Site will be around 5 to 8 trips/day.
5.2 Transportation Route
The Proposed Transportation Route will be from accommodation area to any project area.
5.3 Traffic Management
5.3.1. On the Basis of 16 Km long Transportation route only 4 trucks at its maximum will be moving on both sides thus not adding too much impact on the road traffic.
5.3.2. On-site speed shall be limited to 20 km/hr. The speed on the Asphalt shall be limited to 60 km/hr.
5.3.3. No Overtaking is allowed.
6.Method Statement for Loading and Transporting of TSE
6.1 The Contractor shall engage a third party laboratory approved by Ministry for Testing of Treated Sewage Effluent. The Result shall meet the minimum safety requirements prior to the Utilization of TSE for the purpose of Landscaping irrigation, Dust Control and Civil works3. The periodical monitoring of water quality shall be carried out by the third party authority and monthly reports shall be provided for municipality Review and Quarterly report for Ministry of Environment.
6.2 Loading of TSE shall be made by the Installed pump in the pumping station at the Waste Water Treatment Plant or by truck equip with sucking pump.
6.3 All loading shall be guided by Banks Man during the maneuvering going to loading area.
6.4 Adequate loading shall be made within the allowable truck load and shall not be exceeded to prevent water spill during transportation.
6.5 The Truck will transport the Treated Sewage Effluent (TSE) using the route of any efficient and approved road for truck.
6.6 The truck will dispose the TSE inside working project area with the instruction from the supervisor at site, if for dust suppression or for Civil works3.
6.7 The truck to be utilized for transporting and disposal of TSE shall be sewage truck with indications of “NOT FOR DRINKING WATER”. The disposal of TSE will be carried out by Sprinkler Nozzle for dust Suppression and Flexible Hose for Civil Works3 and Landscaping.
7. Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE)
7.1 HSSE Management Strategy
7.1.1 HSSE management Policy
·         Safety First is First Slogan of Contractor.
·         Implement Full HSSE Procedure In line with local country and Company regulation from 1st engagement with work
·         Recruit fully experienced & competent HSSE Staffs
7.2 HSSE management Implementation
·         Set a policy & consortium HSSE Procedure & Regulation
·         Establish Proper Site Organization
·         Perform Hazard identification & Risk assessments
·         Hold HSSE Meeting & committee
·         HSSE Training regularly
·         Regular Site Patrol by management
·         Daily site Safety inspection & regular Audit
7.3 Safety Work Practice
·         Proper Personnel Protection Equipment (PPE)
·         Electrical safety
·         Deep watch of Working at Height with safe scaffolding
·         Daily Inspection of Construction Equipments
·         Heavy lift development
·         Control of hazardous substances & chemical
·         Road traffic safety
·         Daily Tool Box meeting
8.0 Safety Control
8.1 Protective & Safety Equipment
·         Head protection
·         Foot wear protection
·         Eye protection
·         High visibility vest
·         Barrier tapes
·         Warning signs
·         Traffic cones
·         Appropriate dusk mask
·         Cooling water containers for drinking with cups
·         First aid box
8.2 Information to Personnel
·         Before job starts check if protective & safety equipments are ready.
·         Personnel protective & safety equipments requirement to be per formed.
·         PPE will be used by personal doing the task.
·         Tool box talk to be convened & attended by all personal assigned to do the Work crew will be given instructions on safety work procedures & all risks associated to the task and register attendance.
·         Safety Officer, Site Supervisor will ensure that the above is carried out.
·         Hazard Analysis:   Drivers, operators and workers shall be competent and at least 18 years of  Only authorized drivers and operators will be allowed to use equipment. – Non-essential personnel will be kept well away from the area of operation and Bank-men will be provided where necessary.
·          All the construction equipments (vehicles) which are over than nine (9) years old are not allowed into operation.
·         Site speed limit will be set and strictly enforced.
·         Equipment will not be parked so as to cause an obstruction to other equipment’s or site activities, or so close together as to cause danger personnel all equipments will be fitted with reversing alarms.
·         Employees working in the vicinity of loading operations will wear safety helmets, safety footwear and high-visibility vests.
·         Personnel will be instructed to establish contact with the driver prior to walking in path of a vehicle.
·          Sleeping under or against vehicles is strictly prohibited.
·           Drivers are not allowed to use mobile phone on site while driving.
·            Drivers need to attend induction program one day before.
·            All Trucks should be mechanically checked prior entering the site using Quality inspection check list.
·            All Heavy Equipments should have their third party certificate.
·           Safety induction must be given to all the personnel prior to entering the site.
8.3 Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
In the unlikely event that somebody is struck by a vehicle the casualty shall not be moved at all unless there is an immediate threat to life by the location it is in or by the nature of the injuries sustained. Ambulance shall immediately be called to the scene; in the meantime, the Primary First Aid shall ensure the stability of the casualty.
In the event of a fire during the activity, the fire extinguisher at the scene should be used to tackle the blaze if possible, all un-required staff should be evacuated from the location to a pre agreed location at the start of the activity. Civil Defence should be called immediately to assist. All engines and electrical sources should be switched off and isolated.
During an ERP all other activities in the area shall immediately be stopped until advised otherwise by the Senior Staff at the scene. The scene should be sealed, either by staff or barriers if possible to ensure that his area remains the same for photographs and other investigation steps that may be required. Depending on the nature and severity of the incident the Police   may be required to attend the scene and to carry out their own investigation.
  For investigation purposes all people who were involved in the activity are to identify themselves to the HSE Officer to assist in the investigation. All staff involved in the activity must be aware of this ERP prior to the start of work.
8.  ATTACHMENTS;                                                                                                                                                                                          
1.      Landscaping layout for accommodation
2.      Area of accommodation and routing map to be provided

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